Sunday, April 20, 2014

Baja Revisited

After my return from the tip of Baja
And my delightful frolics
In that little corner of the ocean
That spans three-quarters of the planet,
I lean against my pillow
Under the old familiar bedlamp--
And when I lid my eyes
From a long day of travel
Voila! that underworld buoyancy
Comes streaming back,
Grains of sand float past my ears,
Buoyant also,
Specks by the thousand
black   &white   &gold mica,
a sublime hallucination.

    Saturday, April 19, 2014


    God’s sleek sword
    Into the heart of the poet
    Is this slender stranded
    Optic nerve
    That slays him
    To every purpose

    Thursday, April 17, 2014

    murphism #102

        to close paint-lid
    Zing! primer across my nose


    Out the side of my eye

                I caught the high swing

                Of common seagulls

                Over Frobisher roofs

                South of San Jose,

                Merged into a mingle

                That turned to maybe hundreds,

                Loose,   aimless,   a chaos

                For its own delight

                That quickly became a sheer joy of flight,

                A winged camaraderie;

                “slipping the surly bonds of earth”

    Friday, April 11, 2014

    state park

    In a circle
    Around the ranger
    children pass a bear skull

    Wednesday, April 9, 2014


    The sea is calm,
    No wind.
    From dream I wake
    At dawn,
    Knees in limp kelp,
    In a place of pink
    And amber lights.
    I cling to something
    Undulating in slow swells,
    Alone save for three
    White terns
    Asleep on the water.

    Sunday, April 6, 2014

    you may say I'm a dreamer

    I'd love to be present that inevitable day when the world has had enough of tanks & bombers & AKs & bleeding children & lays down their arms to rust & rot in the sun-shine, smile & hug each other like long-lost brothers, break bread & sing old songs,
    That day will certainly come when the world will wake up & recognize militarism for what it is, Paranoia & Payback, & pronounces the word together, ‘enough!

    Friday, April 4, 2014

    Last Call

                  In a separate action the Supreme Court upheld a ruling giving United States ownership of the ship's bell recovered in 1935 from a Confederate raider, the Alabama, sunk off the French coast in 1864.
                The Alabama had sunk at least 62 Union ships before it was attacked and destroyed by the vessel Kearsarge off Cherbourg.
                The bell was recovered in 1936 by a British diver from the Isle of  Guernsey, who sold it to a local bar in exchange for drinking privileges. The foot-high bell was used to sound the last call for drinks.
                The bar was destroyed by bombing during World War II, but the bell was later recovered from the rubble and turned up on the antiques market.
                A New Jersey antique dealer, Richard Steinmetz, said he paid $14,000 for it in Hastings, England, in 1979. The United States government laid claim to it three years ago.
                            The lower courts, and now the Supreme Court, agreed that the US government retains title to all Confederate property. 
    -San Francisco Chronicle, 6/2013

    the archivist

           The archivist may enjoy some passing pleasure from casting his thin strand into the stream of time,
           Admiring the soft patina it’s left on his trinkets,
           But the day will arrive when  both he & his artifacts will slide into that resistless  water bound for oblivion…

    Tuesday, April 1, 2014


    In the Asteroid Room
        a scuffle broke out
    out of the blue
        I got moonrock’d
               for my lunatic shout

    southern adventure

    Bad spark plugs
                almost ended our trip in Virginny
    A leaking camper roof
    almost did us in in DC
                a big argument
     just about ruined everything
     in Biloxi...
     then – we ran out of money.
     Yet here we are somehow
     fat dumb and happy
     in N’awlins!


                 an inveterate bus-rider I loved the cargo of bright angels, the press of the old woman’s arm to mine is about “all I can bear,” bus that unlike the swirl of cars is going nowhere, sunlight in windows as we pass Lloyd’s Muffler Shop, hiphop bebop black teenager next to me, I fingered the orange hole-punched Transfer like cryptic password money, bones lunge together at brakestop corners, smiling skeletons all, seafloor roadcut by Christ Lutheran Church, towtruck dog barks at me eye to eye perched up high, aggressive driver leans hard on horn but disregards heavy horn behind, big-ass accordion bus blocking traffic, kids skip rope in phonewire alleyways, here’s our stop, pigeon-swing House of Pancakes!