Thursday, July 27, 2017

Summer on Alta street

Lucia tells us eating pasta she heard the big jet roar last Sunday low over Grass Valley
“some people thought it was the end of the world”
Thea says pass the peas
Jason pulls the rim springs assembling the backyard trampoline
Slips out of his hand
Voooosh! strikes Megan across the neck
She breaks into tears
The neighbor lady’s drunk wearing a loose Budweiser tank top
Sunburned after a day on Englebright
“in the 50s,” says Avila, 
 “the neighbors used to have moving dinners course by course at     
 each house, then they end up here in the garage to dance”
Bats careen over the ping-pong table
Sun streams golden on burnished floors
At 7 PM in late July
Dead skunk on Ridge Road driving home
 in the late wide warm summer darkness 

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