Saturday, October 22, 2011

time & space

the only way we can describe either time or space is by extension, am I right?  But "extension" belongs entirely to the human mind- is there any to be found in this vast here and now?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mexico Highway One

If you ever want to feel lucky
To be drawing the breath of life
Get impatient behind a slow truck
On Baja's Highway One,
Take a chance passing on a blind curve
And find yourself suddenly in No Man's Land
A truck coming fast the opposite way-
Floor it, FLOOR IT!
Swerving back into your lane
Mere inches ahead of the long trailer-truck
You'll never pass again


On an oversized gurney
Get rolled into a darkened room
By a small Asian nurse in plastic farbs
With the inevitable (& expected)
Jolting on the corners-
Psyching up for your 'procedure.'
Then answer more Q's,
For the tenth time give your "last four,"
Then it's roll your knees to your chin kid
As the IV sedative begins
To drip away your wakefulness

from Ed's entryway

No lord has taken you yet-

Breathe in the peaceful aire

And be on the loose........

(rough translation)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Where is the game played--
     electron loop
or galaxy arrayed???

(for Steve House)

Monday, October 10, 2011


I saw a man swerve
And try to hit a stray dog,
But the quick mutt dodged
Between parked cars

And made his escape.
God, I thought, did I just see
What I think I saw?
At the next red light,

I pulled up beside the man
And stared hard at him.
He knew that I'd seen
His murder attempt,

But he didn't care.
He smiled and yelled loud
Enough for me to hear him
Through closed windows:

Don't give me that face
Unless you're going to do
Something about it.
Come on, tough guy,

What are you going to do?
I didn't do anything.
I turned right on the green
He turned left against traffic.

I don't know what happened
To that man or the dog,
But I drove home
And wrote this poem.

Why do poets think
They can change the world?
The only life I can save
Is my own.

-Sherman Alexie