Saturday, October 27, 2012

primitive religion

     The most ancient of religions ferries on its haunches the actual magic of this blue planet Earth, its rocks & trees & blooming wildflowers, its skylights on clouds & singing birds, its circling heavens burning with stars planets & galaxies spinning, a religion so universal, so irreducible it resists ideology of any stripe that might shape some "orthodoxy," where bastions of 'faith' get edified, followed by debates & quarrels & well, you know the rest.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

just wondering.....

 "...people forget it is the eye that makes the horizon......"      -Emerson

 "Time" & "Space" seem to perform one function: when projected, they reduce us to mere specks in a vast tableau that stretches beyond comprehension.
     However!  what is the source of those projexions if not our very minds & senses?  What if time & space are seated in the observer -ah Whitman!- and the moment in front of us is literally ALL there is???

last rainclouds at sunset started with just a faint blush
of pink on the undersides
of the front's departing rainclouds,
arrayed in distinct bands up the Sierra mountainside,
   but having seen this omen before
I rushed to the street for a wider vista-
Sure enough,
in five minutes' time the setting sun
-unseen beyond the ridges-
   fired the bellies
of this low deck of cloud
with a color so vivid, so surreal,
   I was founded dumb

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The One Question

At bottom of all discourse,
Debate, dialogue & diatribe
Burns a solitary question:
How then shall we live?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

santa barbara

Power out-
navigating table & couch
by full moon in beach cottage-
boom, skid, ouch!
Moon climbing nightly,
   Toward conjunction with Venus-
      On the glory dawn, FOG!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


It was only an errand
To fetch a stick of stovewood
Behind the tilting plywood shed

When a sudden breeze
Passed in the tall pinegrove
Up the hill

The shimmer
Of ten thousand pine needles
Danced on my retina

Tansporting me
To Rumi's "Ode to Joy"

Some kind of backwood beatitude-
Along with the split oak
I droppt my jaw

for Dan Sweigert

"You'll learn to like it"
According to my Bandy Blue
As I collect Bon-Bon's doggie-do
From Chester Street
-And yes indeed!    this time
Turns out to be true!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

beach cottage

Navigating furniture
   By full moon tonight
      Room to room

-Santa Barbara