Thursday, November 25, 2010

November 04

Far beyond the headlines
And rumours of war
The middle-aged carpenter
Is hanging raingutters
On the backside of Round Mountain-
A fine November day
Bright under gold oak leaves
With long views of the dusky Yuba-
At 3 PM the sun got low enough
To illuminated a local scene,
"Manzanita and rock pile"
But the best was last 
Pink highlights of sundown fleece
Over the darking woods-
Crescent moon waxing in western branches
Driving the long way home.


  1. Glad you drove the long way home. Asha home, reading. Me wishing I was. Grabbed Alan Watts and read that he wrote it from "Druid Heights". Sure this was a fantasy, I Googled it--and came across this account. Not a fantasy at all, yet fantastic things happened there.


  2. hi Drew-
    thanx for the nice comments regarding my poetry-
    I'm a pretty low-tech guy, so I have trouble sometimes navigating through the "IT"-- please don't think I'm "shining" anyone on-
